What do you think of when the personnel department or HR is said?

Xp at Touch IT Videocast 2 xperiencehr

Chasing PN tickets, sweating nervously at interviews, or lengthy meetings with no point or substance? Maybe even that, and maybe something more positive :).

Our company, XperienceHR, has been invited to be part of the editorial team of TouchIT magazine – Digital World at Touch.

Watch an informal conversation on a profi topic: HR in companies also cares about employee happiness.

You will learn about trends in HR departments, HR technology, and trusting employees in a hybrid office setting. The interview will guide you through the possibilities of tracking attendance and absenteeism both in manufacturing companies and in the so-called. free firms. There will be examples from practice.


HR departments and their operations have moved forward significantly in terms of the use of technology.

There has also been a change in putting the employee, the person, at the centre of what is happening rather than the process.